Erio Syce

New Website Design Trends That Can Help Your Business

Mobile First

Designers and developers are beginning to build more websites that have focus on mobiles since the majority of the revenue currently comes from this device. In order to ensure excellent UX on these smaller screens, it is crucial for designers/developers working in the field of web design or development to be proficient in creating them since they will be essential in the creation of an app-based website that needs special attention because of the limited space available. This will require fast loading times, as many users log on to their phones while checking email during lunch breaks.

More Oblique/Organic Shapes

April showers are the time to bloom, which is why we’re seeing the trend of rounded edges and brighter colors on websites. Backgrounds have changed from using 90deg angles for design elements , such as avatars of profiles or forms input. You can now use interesting perspectives to keep your visitors interested. Your website should follow current fashions to increase trust between you and prospective clients. This will allow them to purchase from you but also recommend your services to enhance sales in a massive way.

More Animations and Interactions

Because of the advancements in web technologies like jQuery animation, websites with animated content are growing in popularity. These scripts transform your website into a platform for reading printed text. They can also facilitate interaction between user and elements of the site. This is an enormous improvement on the previous restrictions of what you were able to do before images were uploaded to the world wide web.

Web sites are becoming more and more interactive. Without resorting to the outdated design of the 1990s, page transitions and sliding information panels can be used to make your site appear more alive. The increased interactivity from techniques such as these help to drive users to more revenue-generating functions on a site that could result in an increased per-visit rate (RPV).


The use of the HTML 5 video tag is becoming more popular as companies want to keep their site’s traffic and not send them offsite. The increasing number of platforms to host video content (including streaming) has led to more businesses think they can handle this type of thing better than before by using other technologies like YouTube or else third-party providers that may shut down at any point, and using tags like this allows companies’ videos to be seamlessly integrated on its website while providing a wider selection of players options.

Video backgrounds

With video backgrounds in the ascendancy it is possible to use them to your advantage and boost the time spent with your customers. They can increase the conversion rate by providing more details than traditional images. Furthermore, videos are easier to read for people who might not be able to read texts.

Video backgrounds are effective in increasing branding and the number of visitors that return. It is a great option for general purpose and specific types of marketing such as eCommerce content strategies and video marketing. This allows you to boost your website’s time-to-load and engagement of customers.

For more information, click ecommerce website design


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