Erio Syce

What Are The Advantages Of Cuddling With An Islamic Education Toy

We all would like our children to be happy and healthy parents. We wish for them to be happy, loving and devout Muslims. But with the demands of life and busy schedules it’s not easy to ensure that our children engage with regular Islamic practices such as reading the morning and evening dua and adhkar. This is the point where Ameen comes in, the first dua-themed bear that was designed to incorporate dua in the morning and evening and adhkar into the lives of Muslim children everywhere.

Islam’s most important feature is the ability to end and begin each day by remembrance of Allah SWT. Allah (SWT), reminds us in the Quran: “O you who believe, think of Allah with a lot of memory.” 33:41 is a great reminder to keep in mind Allah (SWT) throughout our actions and hearts. When we introduce Ameen to the lives of our children, we can make sure that they are always engaged in the worship of Allah (SWT).

Ameen is more than a teddy bear. It could also be used to instill an appreciation for Allah (SWT) as well as Islam in our children from an early age. Ameen is intended to be an aid and reminder to our children of duas as well as adhkar. The soft, huggable and pre-recorded adhkars as well as morning duas are included so children can easily learn these. Ameen is also able to recite adhkar and duas that parents want their children to know.

One of the distinct features of Ameen is that it is designed to be interactive. The bear is able to read the adhkar and dua when children push Ameen’s paw. This interactive feature lets children interact with the duas/adkars and recite them in a exciting and fun way. It helps children be in control of their Islamic routines, and encourages them learn more about the duas.

Ameen is not an toy, it’s an investment in Islamic education for our children. Ameen is an instrument that can be used to help our children in the long term. Ameen isn’t just an encouragement to take part in the duas of morning and evening and adhkar, but will also inspire a love of the memory of Allah (SWT) in our children’s hearts. This love will develop and flourish as our children grow older, and will serve as the source of peace and guidance throughout their lives.

Ameen helps us establish the habit of. Children thrive in routine and structure. By incorporating Ameen into their morning and evening routines and activities, we can help establish a consistent practice of dua and adhkar. This practice that is consistent will make Allah (SWT) to be the worship of Allah as a natural and an integral part of our children’s lives. It won’t be as if it’s forced or unnatural.

Ameen is not just for young children but is suitable for children of all ages. The duas and adhkars that are recorded are created to be simple and simple to comprehend which makes them suitable for all children. Ameen can also be used by older children in order to help them remember complex duas or adhkar. Parents can programme Ameen with specific adhkars and duas, which allows them to personalize the recitations for their children.

For more information, click Islamic Gift


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