Erio Syce

What Do You Mean By Latency?

Latency measures how long it takes your computer to respond to an action, such as clicking on the link. For most people, this won’t affect their video streaming or Spotify listening. However, if they engage in gaming, they may face major issues with latency as due to satellite internet’s more accuracy than wired connections and this means that players playing games may experience a slow performance due to the excessive rate of loss of packets caused by long pings.

Latency is the difference between the sensation you get from your input (in this instance an anchor) and the speed at which it gets delivered to others. The delay can affect your responsiveness if you play online video games or watch YouTube videos online. This is because they may not be 100% accurate in timing, because of their speed when compared to fiber optic cables.

What causes latency?

Latency can be a major pain factor for gamers as well as other End-users looking to access their favourite content on the go. The elements that impact your latency include the distance between your computer and the server, and everything else that is in between such as internet connection type or Wi-Fi strength (or the lack of it). It is also possible to have an impact on the router/modem combination that you are using There are numerous options! It doesn’t need to be difficult even if you are confused at first. We’ll go over each step of the procedure here.


Latency is the time needed for information from one location to get to the next. We’re referring to the distance between your machine and any server(s) which is how much data you request from the server. If the distance between them is not sufficient, then there is a rise in the latency.

Propagation Delay

Propagation delay, the principal factor that determines the latency that you experience when browsing with your laptop or desktop is essential. This affects all other measures of connectivity speed and bandwidth like speed of downloads (which rely on the reception of data packets from where they were sent) Uploads that rely on the presence of a network card. The same holds true for wirelessly connecting.

Internet Connection Type

There is a very significant variation in the latency of the different kinds of internet connections. Cable and DSL have lower latency, while fiber has the highest average. Satellites tend to be slow because of its design which requires more space for transmission. This leads to long wait times, as well as a higher buffering capability on websites you require access to music videos or audio files.

What’s on a Website

Have you ever clicked on one of those links only to wait several minutes before it loaded? This was due to them trying to create their Angelfire website look nice. It was glued with The Office memes, so every time you go to it, it takes longer than normal.

When you browse a website which contains large files such as HD images or videos, your browser must download all of these items. There may be a delay due to the fact that they may be hosted on an outside server.

For more information, click high latency


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